Week of May 12


Romans 8:5-6
Colossians 2:6
Colossians 3:1-11
Romans 12:2

See thought seed scriptures below


Q. We are ultimately in God’s story of victory. Yet we can get sidetracked and tripped up along the way. Romans 8:6 gives us a great summary of how we don’t let the Enemy sit at our table. We can have a new mindset, a new way of seeing ourselves, others, and about life. So, how do we set our minds on what the Spirit desires?

Q. You can change your mindset and, thus, change your life. It will take time. It will require you to tend the garden of your mind. You will reap what you sow. So, what thought seed spoke to you most on Sunday and why?

  • I am in God’s story. (Psalm 37:23), (Jeremiah 29:11)
  • I am fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:13-14)
  • My life has a purpose. (Ephesians 2:10)
  • The cross has the final word. (2 Corinthians 5:17)
  • I serve at the pleasure of the King. (1 Peter 2:9)
  • Jesus is Lord, and Jesus is my Lord. (Philippians 2:9-11)
  • My God turns evil into good. (Romans 8:28)

Q. Too often we want to see the miracles first. (The new job, a spouse, the right words to say, the finances to give, the energy to serve.) Yet, the fullness of the life that Jesus provides becomes evident to us most often when we make a move and act on His leading. What steps can you take in faith to activate the power of the Spirit in your life?


Pastors Chris’ and Angela’s encouragement for you this week in your battle for your mind, is to start small. It will take time, but you can change your mind and, thus, change your life. So take one step at a time. Take 1 of the new 7 thought seeds each day. Dwell on that thought and memorize the seed scripture. By the end of the week, you’ll be well on your way to cultivating the garden of your mind. OR maybe you just want to take one thought and verse each week for seven weeks. Either way, plant and begin to cultivate these seven thoughts in your mind now. You can win the battle for your mind!

Why we exist? At BeLoved, our mission is to lead people on a spiritual journey to know God, find freedom, discover their purpose, and to make a difference!

What might be your next step this week? Decide to follow Jesus? Invite a friend to come to church with you? Participate by jumping in on a team to serve? Give financially?

Unsure of what your next step might be? Ask your City Group host to assist you? Ask Jesus to illuminate it in your heart. Check out our resource page on https://www.belovedchurch.ca/grow

This week: Begin each day with investing 15 minutes of your day to fix your gaze upon the Good Shepherd. Pray for 5 minutes, worship for 5 minutes, and read Scripture for 5 minutes.


Jesus, thank You for teaching us about Your desire to lead us. You are fully capable. Thank You for setting a table before us in the midst of our enemies. Thank You for being a Good Shepherd. Thank You for Your Word. Let it be a light and lamp in our lives, illuminating your heart and desires for us. We choose to follow Your way rather than our own. We choose to surrender fully to Your leadership. Thank You, Jesus, for inviting us into God’s story. Thank You that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Thank You for giving my life purpose. Thank You that the cross has the final word in my life. Thank You for the opportunity to serve at the pleasure of the King. Thank You, Jesus, for being Lord over my life. Thank You God for turning evil into good. AND, thank You Holy Spirit for empowering us to live out this life that I no longer live for myself, instead that I can live fully for You. In Jesus' mighty name, AMEN!