God has called us to build a life-giving church in Nanaimo with an emphasis of relating to the next generation. No matter your age, you can be part of shaping the future church of Nanaimo by inviting and investing.
Good things are happening at BeLoved! Revival is here as we surrender to God and allow His Spirit to change us from the inside out. Because of this, we are seeing the power of God move in and through our church, which then spills out into our city, nation, and world.
We have never been more excited about the future! We love Nanaimo and the church God is building! Everyone is invited to jump into the adventure with us.
Pastors Chris and Angela
You may notice our team t-shirts that have the number 99 on the back. This comes from Jesus' parable of the lost sheep where the Shepherd leaves the 99 to search for the one lost sheep. The add-on to the story is we are the 99 ready to receive the one. God's Kingdom is accessible to all, even those who have strayed away.
As part of the 99, we are doing whatever we can to reach the 1% of the population of Nanaimo. That's 1100 for Jesus. We serve a God is who is bigger than we can imagine, ask, or even think. Jesus is for everyone!
BeLoved City Church is here to stay. We are committed to playing our part in contributing to the needs of our City of Nanaimo by investing into a permanent facility.
All around us we see people experiencing isolation, polarization, and disconnect. Having our own facility is important in building community for the generations to come, and is a witness to the goodness of God. We vision a place to call home where people are trained up, built up, and sent out. We know that as we begin to sow in faith, God will provide a space that is a light in our city where more people can come to find hope for tomorrow and healing from yesterday.
Enlarge your house; build an addition. Spread out your home, and spare no expense! For you will soon be bursting at the seams. Your descendants will occupy other nations and resettle ruined cities. Isaiah 54:2-3 NLT
Pastor Chris’ education background and experience involves counselling and addictions worker. We are working on building a team of experienced counsellors who are committed to relationship with Jesus and His church. Who are passionate about infusing hope and healing into our broken world.
Here's how we serve into our local neighborhoods. City Groups are intentional to find a need and fill it, and find a hurt and heal it. We also have fun doing it together!
We are passionate about our country being reached with the Good News of Jesus. As part of the ARC Canada family, we financially support in helping to equip church planters and leaders to launch and grow more life giving churches across Canada. Check out the ARC Canada website to read more about the many churches being planted, equipped, and resourced.
Jesus commissioned his followers to not only share the Good News locally, but to the ends of the earth. We know our finance can go where our feet cannot. Through our international partners, we support the global church as it reaches our world in spreading the love and hope of Jesus. One of our focuses are in Malawi, Africa. Read more about Malawi and the projects we are involved in.
We’re believing in God for a miracle! We invite you to believe with us as we reach Nanaimo and beyond for Jesus. Together, let’s commit to set aside time every day to pray for BeLoved City Church. As we pray let's open our hearts in how we respond to the vision of where God is leading us.
We don't want to keep BeLoved the best kept secret! Let's invite all our friends to come experience Jesus with us.
A portion of every dollar you give helps support our local, national, and global ministry endeavors. Consider ways you can sacrificially participate in our #heretostay campaign.
All donations are eligible for Canadian tax receipts issued from BeLoved City Church each year in February. Amounts are in Canadian dollars. Please ensure we have your address and contact info up to date.
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